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Ecom Beast Harry Coleman

Harry Coleman is an Ecom expert who went from getting fired from his 9-5 job to generating multi 7-figures online in 3 years through his ecommerce stores. He has also built a fast growing YouTube channel (currently 24K subs) where he teaches people how to run successful ecommerce stores.

We recently had a chance to chat with Harry and we learned a lot of interesting facts about the man they call the Beast of Ecom.

STT: When did you start out in ecom?

HC: I started my ecommerce journey a few years ago, but it wasn’t with Shopify or Facebook ads. I used to sell things on Ebay. I would import snapback hats from the US and sell them through my eBay store. It was very small scale. It didn’t last long either as my main supplier seemed to just disappear for some reason, I couldn’t get hold of him at all. I had exams at the time so didn’t have the time to find another supplier.

STT: When did you have your first big success/winning product? what was the product?

HC: My first niche store that I opened completely failed. I spent close to $800 just to get 1 sale, but it validated that the system worked. I then opened up a more branded general store and I was focused on the pet niche, more specifically pet jewelry. That was when I first started to get decent sales. One of my first winning products was a cat ring that completely took off. That product started to make me $100-500 a day

STT: How much did you make on your first winning product?
HC: On that specific product probably like $40,000

STT: Did you buy any toy/toys with your earnings?

HC: In my first year, my goal was to hit $100K in rev. I totally smashed that out the water so bought a Rolex watch which I always dreamt about owning.

STT: Were there any hard moments/times before you made your breakthrough that you would like to share?

HC: As mentioned, my first ever store completely bombed, I lost money and thought it would be easy. If I would of quit then, I wouldn’t even be writing this for you to read now!

I got fired from my job around the same time I started my first store that failed. I then spent a whole year working another 9-5 job waking early, coming home, napping, eating and working from 8pm till sometimes 3am in the morning on my stores. I used to sleep in my car at lunch times I was that exhausted. But I knew that ecommerce was something I was good at, it was my lane, so I doubled down, went hard and it payed off.

STT: What is something that most people don’t know about you and they would be surprised to find out? 

HC: I used to be a DJ and was also a good footballer. Unfortunately I don’t play much now but I support and watch Arsenal.

STT: What is the most important piece of advice you can give to new entrepreneurs starting out today?

HC: Stay in your lane and always take action. It’s easy to get distracted with all of the content that is out there. People sharing screenshots and new strategies everyday, it can feel overwhelming. But you have to block out the noise, get your head down and crack on

You could read all of the best content in the world but if you don’t apply it then you won’t be successful. I tell people all of the time: “The only way you can learn to swim is by getting in the water”. You have to test, spend a bit of money, get the ball rolling and learn from mistakes. This is the only way.

STT:  What are you plans for the next 2, 5, 10 years… what is your future vision for your business?

HC: Apart from running ecommerce stores I am also into property, so I am working on building up my property portfolio. I have plans to sell some of the stores that are in their early stages in a few years for hopefully large sums of money.

STT: Anything new you are working on that you are excited about? 

HC: I am consistently working on my course Ecom Beast 2.0 and keeping it up to date with new strategies and tricks. It’s my flagship premium course which teaches people how to run successful ecommerce stores and escape the 9-5 rat race. It has produced many 6-figure students who all now live the laptop lifestyle. You can find more informmation at https://www.ecombeastcourse.com


Thank you to Harry for dropping some of his patented #VALUEBOMBS! As always its a pleasure to chat with a mastermind in the ecom space!

Well, now you have a glimpse at the level of dedication and passion it takes to become an Ecom Entrepreneur! Hopefully these interviews will inspire you to take action in achieving your success goals!

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